### Found
* One small round casserole.
* One medium shallow casserole.
* One medium deep casserole.
* One square casserole.
* Ice cream, popsicle, and pancake molds.
### Moved to the shed for further consideration
* The roasting pan and cover.
* The coffeemaker, because we drink instant. When we had one child, it was easy to mostly keep up with the coffee machine. Now, not so much.
* The coffee grinder, because again, instant.
* The blender, because it released its magic smoke and now only operates on one speed.
* The mini food processor, because it is too small for a single avocado worth of guacamole, which means I never really use it.
No time for the top of the refridgerator, unfortunately, but i may be able to catch that after an interview/coffee chat with a friend tomorrow.