I crept downstairs in the wee hours to check on the progress of my laundry detergent and lo! It had gelled to the consistency of lemon curd. Scoopable with a spoon. The wrongness! It abounds!
So, all that is left is to try it out on my laundry this afternoon.
I can hardly wait to hear about it! I’m thinking about doing the same. Where did you get the soap and the washing soda?
I found the soap and washing soda at “Soaps Gone Buy”:http://www.soapsgonebuy.com/. The Fels-Naptha soap comes in individual bars, or by the case (in which case shipping is free). I’ve seen the ratio of 5 boxes of borax : 5 boxes of washing soda : 20 bars of Fels-Naptha.