The score: 0 morels, but a whole lot of other neatness.
Crowsfoot or running cedar. Diphasiastrum digitatum Fiddlehead ferns. Witches’ butter. Tremella mesenterica Witches’ butter. Tremella mesenterica Eastern box turtle. Terrapene carolina carolina A bit of luck caught my eye. Mayapple or American mandrake. Podophyllum peltatum Abby found an owl pellet and carried it home in a leaf. Time for science! Dissection in progress. Those tweezers are going to be sterilized when the kids are done with them. Furry!
Always an adventure!
Beware, fiddleheads are edible but must be handled with care—can be toxic unless prepared correctly.
We’re just looking for now. If I want to forage fiddleheads, I will end up planting the forageable kind.