Day 83


The biggest part of the downstairs remodel is finally done… at least, enough to move on to Marcus’s room. Over the last few weeks, I’ve patched and primed the walls of the main room, painted the ceiling and walls, and torn up the carpet and padding. Yesterday I helped Matthew install the last fidgety bits of the bamboo flooring that we’ve had acclimating downstairs for the last five years.

This was my main goal for my sabbatical — getting the sewing/crafting/printing/whatever stuff out of my office and the living room and into the downstairs. I am no longer the Keeper of the Laminator, and the basement is gradually turning into a combined makerspace and reading area for adults and kids alike.

The next phase of my plan is moving Marcus out of his room, giving it the same treatment, and then running baseboards and trim for the entire downstairs area at the same time. At present, we’re at a good holding place for moving “making stuff” into one place in the house.