: The home of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), providing a comprehensive listing of names of marine organisms.
Tag: reference
Links For 16 June 2008
[Doughnut muffins](http://community.livejournal.com/bakebakebake/1326287.html)
: A best-of-both-worlds recipe. Taste of doughnuts, ease of muffins.
[Luscious lemon slices](http://www.insanitytheory.net/kitchenwench/2008/06/15/luscious-lemon-slices/)
: Recipe from “Mix & Bake” by Belinda Jeffery.
[The cheapest fruits and vegetables month-by-month](http://frugalliving.about.com/od/foodsavings/tp/Cheapest_Produce.htm)
: Month-by-month lists of seasonal fruits and vegetables.
[The best time to buy everything](http://frugalliving.about.com/od/bargainshopping/tp/Best_Time_To_Buy_Everything.htm)
: Lists of when common foods and household items are generally on sale. (In-season foods, closeout household items.)
[Ten dollar meals](http://busycooks.about.com/od/dinnerrecipes/a/tendollarmeals.htm?r=9F)
: A variety of meal plans for under ten dollars.
: A cross-referenced code library of Open Source PHP projects.
Links For 08 June 2008
[Eye sources](http://www.planetjune.com/blog/amigurumi-help/eye-sources/)
: Sources for animal eyes (and noses).
[Reference for every character key on a Mac](http://www.gosquared.com/liquidicity/archives/172)
: Downloadable PDFs of key sequences for slightly less common characters.
Links For 13 April 2008
[Computer assisted chemistry tutorial](http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~cchieh/cact/index.html)
: Information and tutorials on university level general chemistry.
[Food timeline](http://www.foodtimeline.org/index.html)
: A history of food and historic recipes.
Links For 23 September 2007
[Cook’s thesaurus](http://www.foodsubs.com/)
: A cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Includes pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.
[CSS drop column layout](http://muffinresearch.co.uk/archives/2006/02/07/css-drop-column-layout/)
: Fixed width columns drop down as the browser width is decreased; no javascript required.
: Archival case-bound laboratory notebooks and log books, standard and made-to-order.
Links For 22 September 2007
[MySQL cheat sheet](http://www.nparikh.org/unix/mysql.php)
: Basic syntax for common commands.
[Bacon salt](http://www.baconsalt.com/)
: It’s salt, it’s bacon-flavored. Best of all, it’s kosher!
[Japanese manhole covers](http://www.japanvisitor.com/index.php?cID=359)
: Japanese manhole covers, which come in a variety of designs depending on locality, utility type and the manufacturer of the manhole cover, have caught the imagination of a growing number of drainspotters from around the world.
: Stock photography community providing high quality stock photos and stock images. Free photos added weekly.