[Color picker control](http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/colorpicker/)
: Yahoo! UI Library’s DHTML visual interface for color selection.
Tag: dhtml
Links For 02 October 2007
[Grid layout](http://gridlayouts.com/)
: Grid layouts JavaScript for web designers.
[Resin and silver pendant](http://www.mydiyproject.com/diy/cr_jewelry/article/0,2025,DIY_13762_3555334,00.html)
: Instructions for a resin and silver pendant by Melissa Muszynski.
[Peasant cap pattern](http://nakedknitters.com/wordpress/?p=52)
: Pattern for a tie-brim knitted hat.
Links For 30 September 2007
: Create palettes using the Kuler Flash application.
[Color palette generator](http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/)
: Creates a palette from a specified image.
[Color hunter](http://www.colorhunter.com/)
: Uses the Flickr API to generate a palette from an image.
: Generates a 6-color palette from a base color.
[Nomadic functions](http://www.nofunc.com/)
: Nomadic functions in JavaScript licensed under Creative Commons.
[DHTML color sphere](http://www.colorjack.com/software/dhtml%20color%20sphere.html)
: Color picker licensed for use under Creative Commons.
[Colorschemer gallery](http://www.colorschemer.com/schemes/)
: User-contributed color palettes for ColorSchemer.
: Collection of articles about color and user-contributed palettes.
[Color palette creator](http://slayeroffice.com/tools/color_palette/)
: Creates a range of shades from a base color by adjusting opacity over a white and black background.