I use the following setup for testing code against multiple versions of WordPress. These instructions assume that you’ve already created the setup for MAMP development across computers via Dropbox.
Category: Code
Hello, web site
The goal: a nicer-looking web site.
The rules:
- No S/FTP uploads to the server. You can use the Media Library upload for allowed file types only.
- No custom themes or plugins. You can install themes and plugins directly from the WordPress.org repository, but not via Upload Plugin or Upload Theme.
- No file editing. You can use the Custom CSS module from Jetpack, but not the theme or plugin editor.
- No outside programs. You can only use your browser (and any useful sites you visit) for image editing.
MAMP development across computers via Dropbox
I use the following MAMP PRO setup for testing and development. It lets me sync data and host information across my computers, so that I have access to my local setup1 no matter where I’m working. This assumes some knowledge of basic UNIX commands, Terminal, and MAMP, and starts from scratch.
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How To List A Custom Post Type’s Taxonomies And Terms
I’ve been using the new [Twenty-Ten](http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/twentyten) theme for WordPress on my personal website; it’s great out of the box, but I wanted to display my custom post types and taxonomies in the same format as it uses for categories and tags. The function is broken into two parts: `ucc_get_terms()` returns a multidimensional array of the post’s taxonomy name(s) and each taxonomy’s term links; `ucc_get_terms_list()` gets the taxonomy information and formats the array for display in the template.
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Adding A Custom Taxonomy Terms Widget To WordPress
The WordPress Categories Widget currently only handles the `category` taxonomy. I’ve modified it to allow the user to select a taxonomy, and tied in the Tag Cloud Widget code to give the user the choice of display formats: list, dropdown, and cloud. Multiple instances are possible, providing the user with an easy method for displaying links to user-built taxonomy terms.
`preg_replace_callback()` is used to fix the JavaScript for the dropdown menu; instead of generating the default `?query_var=value` format, it uses `get_term_link()` to generate the term URL.
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Adding Custom Post Types To get_calendar() And The Calendar Widget
By default or design, the WordPress function `get_calendar()`[^1] does not handle post types other than `post`. I’ve updated it as the standalone function `ucc_get_calendar()` to allow it to accept a `$post_types` array; the included filter function `ucc_get_calendar_filter()` will allow for seamless integration via `functions.php` without requiring additional editing of Theme templates. (Note that the filter will also apply to the Calendar Widget’s output.)
Continue reading “Adding Custom Post Types To get_calendar() And The Calendar Widget”
Adding Custom Post Types To wp_get_archives()
Again with the custom post type extensions. This function lets the native WordPress `wp_get_archives()` [^1] [^2] know about public custom post types; just add it to the `functions.php` of your theme. Of note: the builtin `link` post type can be included at the `array_merge()` point; I just had no use for it.
Continue reading “Adding Custom Post Types To wp_get_archives()”