05 January 2010


* I drove the kids to Costco and got garbage bags, milk, juice, and coffee. Lots of coffee. (Instant coffee.) When the world ends, we will at least have coffee to keep us from becoming zombies.
* During Rebecca’s ballet lesson, I walked down to J.E. Rice with Marcus, Madeline, and Abby; we ended up spending $20 on clearance LED Christmas lights.

04 January 2010


* We did schoolwork for the first time since Christmas. Things went smoothly, except that Marcus had apparently stayed up way too late Sunday night so he was a total grouch until threatened with an enforced naptime. Asking Madeline to be quiet is an exercise in futility–I told him that it wasn’t her fault he stayed up too late.
* I went to ballet class for the first time in two weeks. Pain! Agony! And midway through class, my arms got all spotted, like prickly heat but smooth. I have serious doubts about the crab soup I ate beforehand.

03 January 2010


* I made a plugin options page for my whatever-the-heck-it-is and started sorting out shortcodes from filters from configuration settings.
* I upgraded three more installations of WordPress to 2.9.
* I made an options page for my framework/theme thing. It updates options! It has multi-dimensional arrays!